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  • Writer's pictureChristine Chau

Bring Your House to Life with Potted Plants

A simple way to bring more life into your home is to add potted plants. From bright flowers to lush greens, plants can help improve your décor and your mood, but did you know plants also help the air purity of your home?

NASA research suggests plants can help remove chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and ammonia from the air. Plants also naturally absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Some of the plants that show promise at removing pollution include English Ivy, Boston Fern, Peace Lily, Bamboo, Florist’s Chrysanthemum, Aloe Vera, and more. Research suggests that at least one plant per 100 square feet will help you achieve this result, which means you can calculate how to enjoy the benefits of plants in any size home.

If you’re new to potted plants, here are a few things to keep in mind:

· Match your plants to the light of each room. Plants that will live on windowsills in a sunny area will need to be high light plants, while plants in interior rooms with less exterior light will need to be shade plants.

· Do research on how much water your plants need. Overwatering is common and can cause rotting of the roots. Too little water can cause your plants to dehydrate and wither.

· Make sure the plants aren’t poisonous to your pets, if you have pets.

· Make sure plants are out of reach of young children, if you have children.

· Pick pots that have enough room for the plant’s roots to spread out and grow over time, and make sure the pots allow excess water to drain.

Finally, have some fun! There are many ways you can use indoor plants to your benefit. Mix and match air-purifying plants with those that make you feel happy, that camouflage a view or a corner, provide separation between rooms, add a pop of color, or provide your favorite herbs for cooking. Whatever you choose, picking plants that make you feel good can help bring your home to life.

Photo courtesy Pixabay finmiki.

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