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  • Writer's pictureChristine Chau

Can I Set Up a Rent Payment Plan?

We know our tenants do their best to pay their monthly rents on time each and every month. In the event you are not able to pay rent on time, here are the important details you should know:

Rents have a grace period that extends from the 1st of the month through the 3rd of the month. On the fourth day at 12 a.m., you will be charged an initial late fee of $50.

Daily late fees of $15 begin to accrue on the fifth day of the month. This fee will be charged every day until rent is paid in full.

While you cannot avoid late fees when late, you can avoid breach of contract notices by paying rent by the 14th of the month. After the 14th, you will begin to receive serious breach of contract notices.

You are welcome to make partial payments at any point. However, fees will accrue until the balance is paid in full.

Open communication is ALWAYS best so please reach out to us to let us know your plan.

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