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  • Writer's pictureChristine Chau

Christine Chau on Mindy's Manic Monday

Texas Urban Property Management Owner Christine Chau appeared on Mindy's Manic Monday episode #33 to discuss different areas of central Texas real estate, what makes Austin special, and so much more.

"Austin is amazing. I embrace all the changes with it because now we have a food scene, the shopping is actually amazing now," said Chau. She said she used to drive to Houston for dining or go shopping in Vegas or California. "Now I don't have to travel anywhere to do all these things because Austin now has it."

Chau said she got her start in property management when a client approached her and said, "I'll buy it if you'll manage it." Chau said, "Sure!" and today she manages about 175 properties for her clients and primarily works with real estate investors.

Chau is the Asian Real Estate Association of America Past President for the Austin area. The episode was hosted by Mindy Luong and Charles Swanberg.


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